I adopted Prada, a four month old female maltipoo on September 09, 2022. She loves to have the zoomies and run in circles every morning and night as well as play tug of war and fetch. I, her owner am a 21 year old female that fell in love with her at first sight. Me and my husband had been walking at a park and noticed an adorable little puppy and mama dog with a man and his kids, after asking to pet them he had let me know that the puppy was the last of her litter and that she was up for adoption. I immediately adopted her, took her to the store for some puppy necessities and brought her home. Prada has since then learned to sit, shake, lay down, roll over and spin, she is very food motivated, in fact their is not one food that she has tried that she didn’t like. She is such a smart and loving pup and will be expecting a human little sister in February, 2023. Prada is beyond spoiled, I dress her up in cute little (mostly pink) dresses, bows, glasses, and little booties. She is also incredibly photogenic and loves to pose for photos/videos and we love catching all her perfect angles on camera just as much. Prada definitely prefers animals over people and would rather choose to play with a big dog rather then a small dog any day, in fact she scares most of the small dogs just a bit too much with all the energy she has. I love sharing her photos and videos with other people that love her just as much as I do on her Instagram, @prada_thebougiepuppy